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Help with Acne

  • Acne
  • November 16, 2016

Acne is a condition that not only affects the skin, but it can also cause low self-esteem and depression. A myth exists that acne is caused by not washing properly, or being an unclean person. This fact has lead some acne sufferers to blame themselves for their breakouts. This misconception has caused many teenagers to become depressed and reduce their quality of life. Acne help begins with understanding the condition is and what can be done about it.  Acne is caused by an over production of sebum, the oily substance in our skin that keeps it from drying out. Hormone changes, usually associated with puberty, can cause increased sebum production.  This leads to clogged pores and small infections within the pores. These infections make up the unsightly and sometimes painful acne breakouts.

Treatment Options

There are several treatment options available to help alleviate acne. Since everyone responds to treatment differently, it is important to try different things to see what works best. Visiting a skin care professional is always a good place to start talking about treatment. An esthetician or dermatologist can evaluate the condition and skin type, narrowing down what treatment may be most effective.

Although there are prescription treatment options, those come with dangerous side effects.  Acne sufferers should first try other methods of treatment and leave prescriptions as the last resort. The best way to begin ridding your skin of acne blemishes is to develop a daily routine that includes gentle cleansing, exfoliating, and mid-day oil control.

Washing your face twice a day with a gentle cleanser is an essential part of your daily skin routine. Choose a mild cleanser for sensitive skin, even if you do not consider your skin to be sensitive. Begin the day with a morning facial cleanse and cleanse again before going to bed at night.

Regular exfoliation helps reduce build up of dead skin cells and promotes deep pore cleaning. This should only be done a few times a week, since it takes a couple of days to build up more dead skin cells. After exfoliating, the newly exposed skin will have a healthy glow as blood flows closer to the surface. Over-exfoliating the skin will lead to raw patches and discomfort.

Another great addition to your daily skin care routine is mid-day oil blotting. Since it is not practical to cleanse your skin in the middle of the day, using a clean dry cloth to blot off extra oil will help keep it under control. Reducing skin oil throughout the day may decrease the chance of infections in the pores.

Healthy Habits

Habits can be adopted which promote healthier skin in addition to a daily skincare routine. Those habits include eating a healthy and natural diet, getting plenty of sleep, and removing all makeup before going to bed. It is also important to refrain from touching your face with your hands throughout the day, as well as making sure everything that touches your face is clean. This includes washing pillowcases every 2 – 3 days and keeping your phone screen clean.

A common trigger for acne is stress. Reducing stress may reduce acne breakouts, also. There are many ways to reduce stress, including exercise, laughing with friends, meditation, positive self-talk, taking naps, and petting a dog. Even small advances toward stress reduction throughout the day can make a big difference. Caffeine can increase stress reactions within the body, so drink green tea instead.

The most important thing to know about acne is that it is not your fault and there are several treatments that can help. If you, or someone you care about, are suffering from acne, consult with a skin care professional and begin a healthy skin care routine for relief.